Falling Short: The Need for Fall Prevention in Construction

•Learn about the leading cause of work-related deaths in construction and how to
reduce the risk of falls on your site.

•Discover the potential distractions that could lead to falls and how to prevent

•Understand the protocols that should be in place to ensure your workers get
home safe to their families. Read on for the whole story!

As a construction manager, you understand the importance of keeping your
workers safe. You want them to get home to their families after each shift
without any unnecessary risks or accidents. Unfortunately, falls remain the
leading cause of work-related deaths in construction. In 2019, 401 of the 991
construction fatalities recorded were due to falls to a lower level – that’s 36.4% of
the total number of fatalities.

Falls can occur in a variety of ways, so it’s important to be knowledgeable and
proactive when it comes to preventing them. Some of the most common causes
of falls include improper use of ladders, scaffolds, and other equipment, as well as
failure to use personal protective equipment (PPE), such as hard hats and safety
To reduce the risk of falls at your construction site, you must ensure that your
workers have proper training and access to the necessary equipment. This means
providing them with the correct ladders, scaffolds, and other equipment that are
in good working order. Additionally, your workers should be properly trained on
the safe use of this equipment and provided with the necessary PPE.
It’s also important to be aware of other potential distractions that can lead to
falls. For example, data security is a major concern for many construction sites,
and it can be easy to focus on this instead of safety. However, it’s essential to
ensure that your workers are focusing on the task at hand and are not distracted
by things such as data security or other costly support that may not be necessary.
You should also keep in mind that falls can occur even with all the precautions in
place. This is why it’s important to have safety protocols in place to mitigate the
risk of falls. This includes regular safety inspections of the work site, as well as
communicating safety protocols to your workers. Additionally, it’s important to
provide your workers with the necessary resources and support to ensure that
they are aware of the potential risks and are taking the necessary precautions.
Falls remain the leading cause of work-related deaths in construction and can
occur in a variety of ways. As a construction manager, it’s your responsibility to
ensure that your workers are properly trained and equipped with the necessary
tools and support to minimize the risk of falls. With the right protocols in place,
you can help ensure that your workers get home to their families safe and sound.

See also  The Industry's Best RFI and Submittal Tracking Software for Construction Managers and Project Owners

Don’t let your workers become another statistic. Take the initiative to ensure
they are properly trained and equipped to reduce the risk of falls. Get your free
demo of CMIS now at https://c-mis.com/demo and learn how it can help keep
your workers safe.

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/construction/statistics.html